Wednesday 24 December 2008

Telephone: Opening calls

Short and sweet, when answering a phone in true business, it is important to let the caller know or who or what department is answering.
Answering with just Hello tells the caller nothing. The most helpful way to answer is to give your company name, your department name and your name. However, many receptionists answer with just company name and their name.
When answering internal calls, you should at least give your name and maybe your department name.
Here are some examples for answering a call:
-Good morning, Fidelity, Stone speaking.
-Hello, Fidelity, IT service department, Stone speaking.
-Mike Colin.
-Administration office, Stone.
Callers should also identify themselves to let the receivers know why they are calling. Here are some ways to introduce yourself:
-Hello, this is Stone from Fidelity.
-Hello, my name is Stone, from Fidelity.
-Yes, this is operation department calling about

Once you’ve identified yourself, you might need to ask to speak to a particular person, especially the receiver is a receptionist.
-May I speak to
-I’d like to speak to
-Could you put me through to
-Could I have an extension 211, please
-May I speak to someone in the accounts department
You should also let the receiver know why you want to speak to the person by explaining your reason for calling.
-I’m calling about
-The reason I’m calling is
-It is about
-It is in connection with
Very often, a caller would ask to speak with someone or may ask for information without identifying themselves or what they calls about.
Sometimes, the identifier of the purpose is not important, and sometimes, they are. If they are important, the receiver may ask who the caller is.
-Who is calling, please
-May I know who is calling
-I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name
-May I know what is in connection with
And here are some phrases the callers used to ask the receiver to leave a message.
-May I leave a message
-Take a message, please
-Could you tell her that
-Could you ask him to

Clair: Good morning, ABC company. Clair speaking. How may I help you?
Nikon: Yes, good morning. This is Nikon from Y company. Could you put me through to George, your contract department?
Clair: Oh, I’m sorry, but we closed for the holiday, and I am just here to take a message and handle emergencies. May I know what is in connection with? Perhaps I can take a message for you?
Nikon: Well, Clair, this is very urgent. I am subcontractor manager, and the reason I’m calling is that I has an important information on a contract your company is interested in. Could you get the information to George right away?
Clair: I will say what I can do. If I can get the important data on this contract, I should be able to get message through to George. In perhaps he can call you back.
Nikon: Ok, do you have a pen? I am going to give you my contact information and ask him to call me as soon as possible.
Clair: Just a second, and yes, ready now, go ahead.
Nikon: Ok, …

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